Working ON the Business, Not IN it

It is very easy to work in your business. In fact, taking care of the day to day operations is vitally important to staying in business.

However, it is just as important to work on your business.

The good news is that it can take less time to work on your business than in it. I recommend my clients to take one afternoon a month and answer five basic questions that could make a huge difference in the success of their endeavors. They are: Why are you doing what you are doing? What are your core values? What is your mission? What is your strategic vision? And, what is your strategy? Knowing the answers to these questions is so important that I have created a series of free webinar/workshops (I call them Webishops) to help entrepreneurs at These Success Planning Webishops help you to answer each of those five questions, and each on only takes 20 minutes to watch. It is only by working on your business that you will find the new opportunities that are waiting for you.

My dream job

What I love most about being an entrepreneur

is that I can follow my heart. I spent the better part of two decades working for major corporations in the IT industry. During that time, there were many things I had to do because I would lose my job if I did not do it, but they went against my personal core values. These were not illegal, just actions meant to line corporate profits before benefitting the customer. Now, as an entrepreneur, I can set my businesses up from the start with the same core values I have rather than following the core values of someone else.

Action Steps

The word “goals” almost makes your chest tighten and stress levels rise.

The knowledge of so many past goals that have failed may even lower your self-confidence.

So stop making goals.

Create a vision for your future instead. What do you want to be able to say/do/feel about yourself that you cannot say/do/feel now? Get as specific as you can. Don’t just say “I want to lose weight,” nobody likes to lose anyway. Turn it to a positive, like “I want to be able to fit into size ** jeans,” or “I want to eat 2 healthy meals a day and work out 3 days a week.” Don’t make your vision out of reach.
After you have your vision down, create action steps. What is one small thing you can change now to get one step closer to your vision? Is it changing one junk food snack into something healthier? Is it planning a 10 minute workout once a week? Start small. All the past failures may have eroded your confidence. Small successes will help to build it back up.
And if it doesn’t work, don’t consider it a failure. Figure out what went wrong, what you can do to overcome that, and try again. As long as you keep trying, you are not failing.

Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur myself, and having run a web development business for almost two decades, I have seen many ecommerce businesses come and go. And, with the statistics from the Small Business Administration that say up to 85% of all businesses have been failing within 18 months of starting, the odds are against entrepreneurs.

But there are steps entrepreneurs can take to better those odds.

Introvert entrepreneurs, read my book .

SEO Recommendation Tips

What is your SEO strategy?

After 15 years of running a search engine optimization company, I can say that there is one thing that can be done that will outshine any and all other SEO efforts: Good quality content. There are hundreds of SEO tactics that can be implemented, but if the content is bad, or non-existent, all other efforts will be useless. There are two reasons for this.

First, the search engines look at content to see if it relates to the other SEO efforts. If the content doesn’t match keywords, the search engines will ignore it. Plus, search engines are getting smarter all the time. Good content does not mean keyword stuffing. It is said that content is king, but that is not necessarily true. Good content is king. You need good quality content.

The second reason is that your real motivation is to sell your products or services to real live customers. They will leave very quickly if your content is bad or is nothing more than a keyword article. And remember, as far as SEO goes, there is no such thing as too much content.

-Dr. Ty

Local vs. Virtual Business Coaching

I would say that whether local or virtual business coaching is better is completely dependent on the person. I offer both, and most of my clients take advantage of virtual coaching because they are in different parts of the country or in different countries.

There are many fantastic online business coaches. My recommendation would be to take advantage of the free first session (for those coaches that offer it) to make sure the two of you can work together.

Certifications are important. The International Coach Federation is the gold standard of coaching today, but many colleges are now offering degrees in coaching as well. I would recommend taking the college path because you learn a lot more than just coaching, and many colleges offer certification as part of the degree.

The number 1 thing to look for in a business coach is compatibility. Hopefully the coach you are considering has a free initial session so you can make sure that person is good fit with your personality. An amazing coach may not be the right one for you if your personalities clash.

Click here to schedule a free coaching session at MyCoach.Life.

-Dr. Ty

Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur myself, and having run a web development business for almost two decades, I have seen many ecommerce businesses come and go. And, with the statistics from the Small Business Administration that say up to 85% of all businesses have been failing within 18 months of starting, the odds are against entrepreneurs.

Introvert entrepreneurs, check out

Business: Toxic Employees

Firing someone is a difficult decision, but the reason to fire is a person rarely a spur of the moment thing. Chances are, many instances have already happened, and the person is probably a toxic element in the team. When it is decided to fire a person, do it quickly. Growth cannot happen in a toxic environment, and if you have decided to fire a person then the rest of the team already knows this person is toxic. The longer the person is allowed to stay in the team, the more poison that person will spread.

Revolutionize Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a common practice in businesses, and brainstorming has come up with some amazing ideas and inventions. But there is one fundamental flaw in brainstorming: No new thoughts seem to emerge once one person comes up with a good idea. The main reason is because everyone bands together to refine and hone that one good idea into a fantastic revelation.

But what if you want several new ideas? What are good ways to keep the creative juices flowing? One way is to start the brainstorming session before everyone meets in person. Send out an email with details on the brainstorming session and allow members to submit suggestions before the session actually starts. There are a couple of benefits to this: First, it allows the introverts in the group time to think about new ideas. Introverts process internally, and too much talking while they are processing can make an introvert shut down and stop contributing during a meeting.  Sending out an email in advance will help them be more creative. Second, it gives the opportunity for more independent ideas to come forth. Rather than everyone banding together on the first good idea, it gives the opportunity for the group to look at many ideas.