Make your car your school - The difference between the average Fortune 500 CEO and the average construction worker is how much time they spend learning. That's right, that is the biggest difference! Get CD's (if you are old-school), or download audio training and listen to it in the car. People have received college degrees by "auto university."
Learn to Say No - There are so many demands on our time, and it is tough to say no, especially to a friend. And it may be difficult in the beginning, especially if you are known for helping anyone with anything, but it will help simplify your life in the long run. If it seems like you never have time for anything, and you are running all day long only to fall into the bed exhausted every night, it could be because you need to learn to say no.
Make a Plan - If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Do you have a business plan? A life plan? Most people spend more time planning a party then they do their lives. I won't tell you how to make a plan, the Internet is full of fantastic options.
Follow Through - How many New Years resolutions have gone bye-bye in just a few weeks? The best plan or goal will fail without follow-through. And the best way to follow through is to detail your plan or goal. There are many options on plan and goal setting. I personally like Zig Ziglar's training on goal setting. Go to to see some of the options they have.
Be Accountable - It is so easy to "blow off" a task if nobody else knows about it. It is much more difficult if you tell someone else so they can help you be accountable. Get friends, family, and fellow employees to help you be accountable.
SPECIAL NOTE: Share your "go up" goals and plans with friends and family. Quite often, "go up" goals will intimidate fellow employees, and some may try to sabotage your efforts. Share your "give up" goals with EVERYONE!
BONUS TIP (Don't you just love it when someone says 5 tips then they give you 6? Really makes you confident in their abilities, doesn't it? lol)
You will like this bonus tip: Reward Yourself! That's right, give yourself a reward for the positive changes you make. And tell yourself "This is the reward I get for..." It helps your self confidence, and gives you a little push to keep going.
If you need help getting started, call, text, or email us today. Your Excellent tomorrow is waiting for you!