Hey girls, want to make your guy fall in love with you all over again? Here are some compliments that will help!
*Help me: This sounds weird, but men are natural fixers. They want to help, so don’t be afraid to ask for it. And when you ask for help you are telling him you trust him to fix whatever is wrong.
*You were great last night: Even the most confident man wonders how he is in bed. If you are with a man that does well in that area, compliment him on it. The more you compliment him, the more enthusiastic he will be.
*Such a big… brain: All men know a lot about something, even if it is sports. You may not like sports, but it certainly won’t hurt to compliment him on his knowledge. It will make him feel better, and his buddies will be jealous that he has such a cool partner.
*Eye candy: Compliment your guy on his clothes, even if you help him pick them out. Let him know you think he looks great (as long as he does). He will love you more for it, and appreciate your help (even if he tries to act manly and brush it off).