Category: career coaching
My dream job
What I love most about being an entrepreneur
is that I can follow my heart. I spent the better part of two decades working for major corporations in the IT industry. During that time, there were many things I had to do because I would lose my job if I did not do it, but they went against my personal core values. These were not illegal, just actions meant to line corporate profits before benefitting the customer. Now, as an entrepreneur, I can set my businesses up from the start with the same core values I have rather than following the core values of someone else.
Career Interview Advice
Be The Interviewer
I have been a professional career coach for six years now, and the top tip I give my clients is to go to the interview with questions for the interviewer. This tactic does two things: First, it helps you be less stressed over the interview and it gives you the opportunity to have a bit of control during the interview. Second, it lets the interviewer know you are serious about working there. Interviewers rarely get asked questions, so it surprises them and makes for a more memorable interview. Just make sure you do your research and have good quality questions to ask.
Every Day Can Be A Great Day
A Positive Outlook
I still remember the day I had a very difficult meeting scheduled. Two people I was responsible for had miserably failed to do some important tasks and, as a result, a large project was held up. I woke up that morning dreading the day to come. I visualized the meeting being absolutely terrible, and I was sure I would be let go because of the problems.
I did not lose my job that day, but the meeting did go as bad as I had visualized.
And I realized later that I had helped to make it bad. That was one of the situations that helped me to see that my mind will work to accomplish what I think about, good or bad. Now, each morning when I wake up, I visualize my day as being a great day. I imagine the meetings I will go to being happy and productive. I see myself doing my work and enjoying it, no matter what it is. I see in my mind’s eye customers that are happy because of what I accomplished, whether I actually see them or not. There are still problems that come up, but I have noticed that I now have less stress in difficult situations. And I enjoy helping others to see positive outcomes when big problems come up. I attribute that to changing the way I see my day when I wake up.
So when you wake up each day (or right before you go to sleep), visualize a great day. What meetings will you have? Who will you see? Visualize those interactions going surprisingly well. Imagine everyone smiling and laughing, happy for the time spent together. There is nothing you can do about what happens around you, but you have the power to control how you respond.
What are the best ways to invest in your career?
“How can I best invest in my career?”
I have been asked that question many times as a career coach, and my first question back is “are you currently in your dream career?” The best first step to investing in your career is to make sure you are where you want to be. Are you truly happy in this career, or are you happy enough that you will still enjoy it in 5-10 years? If not, what does your dream career look like? What will you need to do to start down that path? What can you do in the next two weeks to take one step closer to your dream career? Ask yourself those questions, and try to answer them without rose-colored glasses.
And, as always, please contact me for a no-cost, no-obligation career coaching session by clicking here.
Your Dream Career
The grass really is greener sometimes, but there are also ways to thrive right where you are.
The big question is whether your current job can turn into your dream career, or if it is time to look for that greener grass
And that is where a career coach can help. I coached a person recently who was frustrated at her job and was ready to change to a new company. She felt like he wasn’t paid enough for the work she did, and she hadn’t had a raise in years. After just a few coaching sessions, however, she realized that she made great money and had better benefits than most other companies offer. The subject quickly turned from career coaching to financial coaching.
This example shows how coaching may be able to help you determine where the greenest grass really is. Look into coaching today. Your Amazing Tomorrow is waiting for you.
Hire A Coach And Set Yourself Free
Every person has limiting beliefs about something.
People generally seek professional advice when they get frustrated or irritated about being stuck due to those limiting beliefs.
But, there are two reasons why they do not take or use the advice they get. First, the advice is usually the professional talking about how they would solve the problem.
That is no different from going to a motivational seminar, however. When you first leave the seminar you are all pumped up. Then, within a few days, you are back to where you were before because what you heard didn’t help make a personal change.
The second reason professional advice rarely works is because the advice did not help remove the original limiting belief that stopped the person. It may be great advice, but if past events have caused a sticking point in the person, they will not be able to use that advice. That is why a professional life coach is so important. A professional coach will help the person shatter those limiting beliefs.
One activity is to look back into your past to find a time when the issue did not affect you. What happened after that to cause the limiting belief? Did someone say or do something negative? Did setbacks cause a belief that you were not good enough?
See that time for what it really is. If it was a person saying or doing something negative, that is on them, not you. If it was a belief formed due to setbacks, look at the setback as a learning opportunity. What did you learn from it? You may see that what you learned from that negative event actually helped you to get where you are. Seeing the incident for what it really is can help to shatter limiting beliefs.
Please contact me if you would like a free initial strategy session. Your Amazing Tomorrow can start right now.
-Dr. Ty
To-Do List
To-do lists can help a great deal, and it is important to categorize your to dos by importance.
But, there is one thing that takes a higher priority than the to-do list; your calendar. So once your to-do list is done for the day (or week), schedule the items on your calendar. Not only will this make it more likely that you will get the items done, but you will also have a better idea about how much of your day will be taken for each item.
Do you find it difficult to get to sleep sometimes? Do tomorrow’s to-do list before you go to bed. Writing the items down will help get them out of your mind so you can relax better before bed.
Are You A Problem Solver?
“You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want,” – Zig Ziglar.
Small business owners will not keep their businesses going for long without income and cash flow, but we sometimes forget that our ultimate goal is to help people. By helping more people we will be more successful. So, don’t worry about the money, it will come.
You can be more successful, whether you work for yourself or for someone else, if you figure out how to solve the problems others have. The more problems you can solve, the more successful you are likely to to be.
Holidays Yea! Work Boo!
It is the time of year that traffic gets longer and tempers get shorter.
Lines in the stores will seem to go on forever, and everyone seems to be in a hurry… to leave work. But in the back of your mind, you know that there will be a lot waiting for you when you come back, so why not prepare for it? Before you leave on a holiday, take a bit of time to think about what will happen when you get back. Unless this is your first year at the job, you have an idea. What “emergencies” seem to always pop up, what will the pile on your desk look like? How many emails may be in your inbox, and will many of them be a similar subject? What can you do before you leave so that you can have an easier transition back to work when you get back?
For me, the holidays have two big highlights: Good food and sleeping in. But those are not good things when it’s time to get back to work. The day before you go back to work, eat sensibly, and go to bed at a decent hour. You will thank yourself the next day.